Annual Giving

Benefitting Each Cadet, Every Day

Fishburne’s Annual Giving Campaign is an annual program that raises funds to support from 10 to 30 percent of the school’s yearly operating budget.

Annual Giving refers to gifts that are renewed by the donor each year, or which are made yearly as part of a multi-year pledge arranged between the donor and the school. Gifts to annual giving support current needs of the school. These things include but are not limited to: facility and campus maintenance, athletic gear, technology, band supplies, classroom enhancements, professional development opportunities, guest lecturers and much more. Annual giving benefits each cadet, every day.

Annual Giving Categories
The Colonel Young Brigade$10,000 and aboveOur Senior Giving Level
Lieutenant Colonel$5000 to $9999
Major$2500 to $4999
Captain$1000 to $2499
Lieutenant$500 to $999Lieutenant level membership is limited to Alumni under 40, grandparents and parents of current cadets, FMS faculty and staff.
The Garnet and Gold$750 to $999
The Color Guard$500 to $749
The Honor Guardup to $499

Annual Giving

The development team at Fishburne Military School is committed to creating, nurturing and expanding a culture of philanthropy. This commitment supports both short-term and long-term goals, and fosters a lifetime relationship between Fishburne, our cadets, alumni and Fishburne families.