Graduation Requirements

What It Takes to Get this Feeling

Anything that matters requires hard work. And Fishburne matters. Below are the requirements to graduate—from your coarse load and JROTC participation to our grading scale and our all-important study halls. What you won’t find here—but we hope you feel every day while your here—is the total belief we have in you and our efforts to bring out the best in you… every day.

Diploma options

Fishburne offers three diploma options: A 23-credit Academic Diploma, a 25-credit Advanced Studies Diploma and a 22-credit International Diploma for non-native English speakers. The International Diploma does not require foreign language credits.

JROTC participation required

All high school level students are required to take one unit of JROTC each year they are at Fishburne. These subjects count as elective credits toward graduation. In addition, all students are required to fully participate in standardized testing.

About our school year

The school year consists of two semesters, each of which contains two grading periods. Major tests are given at the end of each grading period.

Typical cadet course load

Depending on student’s transcripts and test scores upon arrival, student’s schedule may deviate from this typical plan. JROTC counts towards elective credit. Visit Curriculum for more detail on Advanced and Honor level classes offered.

7th/8th Grade9th Grade10th Grade11th Grade12th Grade
Language ArtsEnglish 9English 10English 11English 12
Math I \ II Math I \ II Math II \ III Math III \ IV,AP Calculus Math IV, AP Calculus, AP Calculus II
US History or World HistoryWorld HistoryHistory 10US History or Dual Enrollment US HistoryGovernment
Life or Physical ScienceEarth ScienceBiologyChemistryPhysics or Environmental Science
Spanish or ElectiveSpanish or ElectiveSpanish or ElectiveSpanish or ElectiveSpanish or Elective

Seventh and Eighth Grade Requirements

To adequately prepare its Cadets with a solid academic foundation before they begin fulfilling graduation requirements, Fishburne offers the following seventh and eighth grade courses:

Courses Per Day

Language Arts2
Study Skills (optional)1
Social Studies1
Character Development (optional)1
6th Class Elective1

High School Graduation Requirements

Fishburne offers three diploma options:

  1. a 23-credit Academic Diploma
  2. a 25-credit Advanced Studies Diploma
  3. a 22-credit International Diploma for non-native English speakers. The International Diploma does not require foreign language credits.

Minimum Course Requirements

Beginning with the ninth (9th) grade class, to qualify for an FMS diploma, a cadet must earn a total of minimum credits in approved courses, distributed as follows:

CoursesAcademic Credits RequiredAdvanced Study Credits Required
Mathematics3 (Pre-Algebra & Above)4 (1 credit above Algebra II)
World Language2 (2 levels in one language)3 (3 levels in one language or 2 levels in two languages)
Electives53-4 (1-2 depending on language)
JROTCRequired every year, grades 9-12Required every year, grades 9-12
PE \ BandMinimum of 2 credits required every yearMinimum of 2 credits required every year
Total2325 (2.0+ GPA required)

Reports and Grading Scale

All grades on FMS report cards will have letter grades. Grade reports are sent home to parents at the end of each marking period and at the end of each semester. Grades are also provided on a weekly basis by the student’s Advisor and over the internet via Net Classroom.

Grading Scale

A+ = 97-100A = 93-96A- = 90-92
B+ = 87-89B = 83-86B- = 80-82
C+ = 77-79C = 73-76C- = 70-72
D+ = 67-69D = 63-66D- = 60-62
F = 59 and below

Honor Rolls

Honor rolls are published at the end of each marking period and at the close of each semester. The Distinguished Honor Roll recognizes cadets who achieve at least a 3.5 grade point average with no grade less than B. Cadets who earn at least a 3.0 grade point average with no grade less than C are on the Headmaster’s List.

Study Halls

Help Class
A forty-minute Help Class period is available four days a week. Each student may voluntarily attend for one-on-one assistance or to complete work for that class.

Study Hall
A supervised Study Hall is conducted every Sunday through Thursday evening. Cadets may study in the library (Mon-Thu) or in their barracks rooms. Hired (school-approved) tutors are permitted on campus during this period. Study Hall is monitored by TAC Officers in the barracks and by a faculty member in the library.