Maybe you already feel that’s true and know that Fishburne is the ideal place to create your perfect future.
Maybe you kind of feel that’s true but no one else has really seen it yet.
Or maybe you don’t feel it much at all but you know you need to be at a military prep school where you can finally be seen and appreciated.
Wherever you are, Fishburne is where you need to be.
Part of it is our super-small classes. Part of it is that our military prep school has fewer than 200 students, so you can’t hide here. Part of it is a faculty that knows how to bring out the best in you. Part of it is a brotherhood that will change your life. And a huge part of it is our commitment to every single boy who comes here—a commitment that goes back more than 125 years.
Yes, you’ll wear a uniform.
Yes, you’ll have to make your bed perfectly. Yes, you’ll do a lot of marching. But no, you won’t get lost in a sea of uniformity. The truth is, we want you to discover that special thing (or things) you do especially well, then find the future that suits you best. Maybe it’s at a Service Academy. Maybe it’s college or something else entirely, like an Apprentice School, which can be harder to get into than an Ivy League school.
100% College Acceptance Rate
Clearer path to Service Academies
Preparation and help toward a path to Trade School
We don’t have a pre-conceived idea of who you are.
That’s why we can see you in a fresh way that helps YOU—not your parents or a guidance counselor—discover what’s great in you. And we think that’s a pretty great thing.
What “We see what’s great in you” really means.
Small for a reason
Fishburne is small for a reason—so you can get the support and encouragement you need… so you can play the sports you want… so you can really get to know your teachers, your ‘brothers,’ and your coaches.
Tell us your goals
Tell us your goals and we’ll help you reach them. Along the way we’ll show you how discipline actually liberates you, how respect for others raises your own self-esteem and how honor makes life more rewarding.
You can’t hide here
Because of our size and our commitment to every cadet, you can’t hide here. And that’s why every cadet who leaves here knows himself more, likes himself better and is ready to excel at whatever goals he has.
This is your moment
And Fishburne is the place that
— sees you more,
— gives you more,
— gets you more.
A few secrets about Fishburne.
We’re not a reform school.
We’re an all-boys boarding school that offers a military style education. So, yes, lots of structure and discipline (and marching) but also lots
of chances to excel and be daring.Not everyone here wants to go to college.
And not everyone pictured a Military Academy, either. We have a 100% college acceptance rate and we also offer a clearer path to the US Service Academies than other schools. We can’t wait to help you find your future.
If you’ve made a mistake in your past, you’re not alone.
It’s impossible to avoid mistakes in life. The trick is moving through them. And we’re here to help you be better prepared for whatever happens (or has happened).You have a talent no one else has seen. Until now.
The beauty of a small school is that you have room to explore who you are and what you want. The beauty of Fishburne is that we have a gift for helping boys discover their true selves. That’s why we say, "We See What’s Great in You."You can play any sport you want.
No tryouts.
Just try your best.
You’re a BMOC (Big Man on Campus) from the moment you get here.
At Fishburne, upperclassmen aren’t given the upper hand. All grade levels mix together in the barracks and outside of the classroom—making even the youngest cadets feel like a big deal.There’s a leader in you.
And at Fishburne you’ll learn how to unleash the leader in you in an environment that’s been creating leaders of all types since 1879.
What does a typical day feel like?
A typical day at Fishburne is different from a typical day at other Middle Schools or High School, but it’s almost as much for what doesn’t happen here as for what does.
Before we get to know you, we’ll help you get to know us.
Visit our beautiful and historic campus anytime. You can schedule a campus visit at any point throughout your admission process, and we also provide Open Houses monthly to the public. We’d love to show you around.
“We do everything stupid together.”
— CADET Corporal \ 3rd Year
For starters, no one at Fishburne is standing around checking out what their classmates are wearing. (Or if they are, they’ll get really bored really fast.) No one is comparing cars or haircuts. And upperclassmen aren’t trashing the new kids.
“I like myself better here.”
— CADET Private \ 1st Semester
As for what happens, like kids at other schools we’re stoked for today’s game (especially since every Fishburne cadet is invited to play on any team). We’re also thinking about tests and papers and projects and clubs and even what we’re having for lunch. And, of course, we’re looking forward to hanging with our friends (and girlfriends!).
“I have never worked so hard. Or been so happy.”
— CADET Sergeant Major \ 2nd Year
You see, life at Fishburne is a combination of discipline, hard work, intense fun, brotherhood, service, goofing around, getting up early, going to bed tired, and—maybe unlike life at other schools—looking forward to doing it all over again tomorrow.
“I used to be arrogant. Now I’m confident.”
— CADET Command Sergeant Major \ 4th Year
Yes, life is structured—but in a way that opens up your mind. Yes, there’s discipline—but it gives your life purpose, not restrictions. And yes, integrity is a thing—y’know, like it is in life.
“I was looking for something that could bring meaning to my life… I found it.”
— CADET Corporal \ 2nd Year
No matter what happens, on a typical day every minute counts here, which means your life will be anything but typical.