Livick and Legg said on Veterans Day and every day, reach out and thank a veteran for their dedication and sacrifice.
By Kayla Brooks
Published: Nov. 11, 2022 at 4:50 PM EST
WAYNESBORO, Va. (WHSV) – Fishburne Military School’s annual Veterans Day programs honor those who served the U.S. in wartime and peacetime, and cadets, faculty and staff are dedicated to making sure every piece is right.
“Taps is a song to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country,” said Cadet Second Lieutenant Ryan Legg.
Legg serves as First Trumpet for Fishburne Military School’s band, and he played Taps for the Veterans Day program.
“It took many hours to be able to get it right, and I just feel honored to be able to play such a beautiful piece of music,” said Legg.
Observing Veterans Day at Fishburne is a special thing.
“Honoring Veterans is something that we as a nation do really on three days – Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Armed Forces Day. Today is a day that we can honor all veterans regardless if they served in peacetime or in wartime,” said Todd Livick, Director of Advancement for Fishburne Military School
During the program, students laid flags for Fishburne alumni who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice. School leaders said honoring veterans is important on Veterans Day and every day.
“Anytime I see a veteran I go out of my way to say thank you. They didn’t have to serve. They wanted to serve. It might not have always been fun,” said Livick.
They take time to honor certain people in their history. They honor Colonel Edward Young, who taught at Fishburne for 60 years after serving in World War II.
“His legacy is just absolutely amazing. His legacy has been something that has continued to bring people back to Fishburne and support Fishburne,” said Livick.
They also honor their founder, Professor James Fishburne, who died 101 years ago on November 11, 1921.
“His memory is something that is amazing as well. It was his spirit to come here and found this school.”
Livick and Legg said on Veterans Day and every day, reach out and thank a veteran for their dedication and sacrifice.
“Anytime I see a veteran, I go out of my way to say thank you. They didn’t have to serve. They wanted to serve. It might not have always been fun. I’m here to tell you, it wasn’t always fun.”
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